Rane AM2 Automixer
The Rane AM2 is both an 8 channel, gain-sharing automatic mic mixer and simultaneously a Rane RAD. Use it as a standalone mic-only mixer, add more gain-shared mics using up to seven additional AM2 Automixers, and/or use the RAD Port to transport the mic mix to Rane’s HAL system
Χαρακτηριστικά:Inputs:Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixing Eight XLR Inputs with Level controls & Sig/OL indicators Each can be Mic, Mic with 48V phantom, or Line-level Add up to 64 more gain-sharing inputs by cascading AM2 Automixers Add other audio sources, line inputs and remote controls by connecting to HAL systemOutputs (all mono)XLR Main with Mic/Line switch, Level control & Sig/OL Rane RAD and Cascade IN RJ-45 Ports Cascade In Port connects up to seven additional Rane AM2 mixers, (eight units total) RAD Port may send Output to HAL (DSP/control). It is possible to cascade the AM2 mix into Halogen's Gain-Sharing Auto Mixer or Room Combine Processor DSP, so that all mics connected to HAL may gain-share